MOther blessings

A Mother Blessing is an opportunity to acknowledge the rite of passage that is Matrescence (the transition and evolution from Maiden to Mother or the rebirth into Motherhood). 

It is a ceremony that serves as an offering of and testament to, the love that will both physically + emotionally hold the birthing woman in her journey, as she steps closer to the birth portal. A ceremony that gathers the most treasured people in her life , as she savours the ripeness that is to be found in the final trimester before birth. 

In offering a Mother Blessing ceremony, it helps the pregnant Mother to prepare for the transition that comes with birth, in a wholesome and individualised way. It serves as an opening for the birthing woman to practice sitting in receivership of the support that she not only deeply deserves but will also most likely need to lean on for a well-nourished fourth trimester (postpartum). 

This experience is Mother/Parent focused and unlike a baby shower, the focal point of the gathering is based on sharing rituals, verbal offerings and art-like gifts that contribute to the process of honouring both the liminal journey of pregnancy and the unknown waters of birth itself that are yet to be embarked. 

Whilst magic is always present when women gather and intentionally connect with one another, there is something so unbelievably sacred when women gather in honour of and reverence for a pregnant Mother. Words fall short to articulate the awe and love that is too often felt in these blessing circles.

It has become my wish that every Mother experiences the celebration and heartfelt support curated in these spaces because I have truly seen first hand, how ceremonies like these in pregnancy have the ability to positively shape the experience of birth and postpartum healing in new Mothers. As a doula I have debriefed many births, where it was a loving sentence shared in their Mother Blessing or the acted upon promise of the support from her village in those tender initial weeks of postpartum healing, that have been the gestures that empowered Mother’s to trust they can make it through the peak of the turmoil that birth and motherhood can sometimes bring. 



In addition to individualising and intuitively guiding the ceremony, I provide all materials for the alter and most staples needed for the ceremonial rituals chosen prior to our gathering. Free of extra charge, I can bring extra pillows or rugs for seating if needed on the day too.

My intention is for both you and your guests to feel supported enough so that you may all completely surrender to the unveiling that comes from sitting in circle together.

Please reach out if you would like to organise a Mother Blessing for yourself or a loved one, it would be my absolute honour to be a part of it.

To this day, my own Mother Blessing is one of my most treasured days of my life. May you too get to experience the reverence, heart expanding love and devotion from your village, in your own rite of passage. (Pictured: Pregnant me, in total receivership - 2020).